Tuesday, September 1, 2009

First days in Aberdeen

Well we're finally in Aberdeen (as of Fri afternoon) after a long delay sitting in the plane due to rain...

So Friday we unpacked, got things sorted around the house...well the house is the usual two storey granite fronted house, with bay windows and common wall with our neighbours (who have been very helpful).

One of the older couples from the Ecc that Mason knew brought around a meal for us that night and it was so nice to eat something simple and homecooked - spag bol and salad...

We needed to hire a car to get around for the first few days but now have a car from someone who Mason works with (which they generously offered us).

Sam has his own large room with a study desk looking out over the street and Jo & Matt are in a bunk bedroom together. Mase and I sleep upstairs and we thought it would be a nice retreat and sleep-in opportunity but the second the kid's feet hit the floor we can hear them - so we're in for early mornings!

The backyard is long and quite narrow but enough for the kids to run around and play a bit. So all in all things are pretty good.

Since we've arrived Matt's been battling a temperature (which at times leaves his cold and other times sweating like crazy) and lots of aches and pains...but he's had a bit more energy today and eaten some of his meals.

Saturday morning we went for a walk along an old railway line (now pathway) which is about 30 miles long - we walked for about 15 mins to a large park (Duthie Pk) where the kids played on the equipment and Mase and I went for a jog...

In the afternoon we went food shopping - it's a strange thing to be stocking up on the basics for the kitchen - I forgot some really obvious things - like salt/pepper/butter...anyway we're doing fine now.

The shops have heaps more organic options and at quite reasonable prices, they also have a much larger range of foods available (but I haven't been able to find a pumpkin yet) - there are so many foods that look interesting - I can't wait to try a few....

Sunday we went to the Aberdeen Ecc (kids were very excited)...the bre/sis gave us a very warm welcome and it will be really nice to get to know them all. The room they hire for meetings is part of a recreational centre.

There was one family there with three children (Matthew, 16, Sarah, 14, Jamie 12) and they took our kids off to play the drums and percussion instruments in another area of the centre - they had a great time.

There was also a brother who lives about and hour and a half away (his wife died recently from breast cancer) and he has a 6 1/2 yr old daughter (Zoe).

The rest of the ecclesia is made up of a sister (in her 40's), about 5 older brethren and one older couple (Joe & Lydia Coutts - who someone from Perth told me they knew but I can't remember who said it).

One of the older brethren (Jack - in his late 70's) offered to be a guide for the children and I if we needed his services. So as you can see we've been looked after and feel very welcome.

Sunday for me was when the tiredness really hit - to be honest I just felt like curling up in a ball and going away from the world - but Mase (kindly or maybe gladly) left me to sleep and the world was a better place after that...

Sun night Matt was still unwell with temps..so only Mase went to the lecture (20 min 'talk' then discussion group). They had three visitors attend (they'd come along the week before) and they were from the church group who meets at the same centre just before the Aberdeen Ecc lecture time slot. So that's exciting for the bre/sis here.

I stayed home and got organised for our first day of 'school in Scotland'.

Monday began bright and early for our first home schooling day - with a mixture of highs and lows. The kids were eager to get started (at 8am) and worked really solidly until 10.30am. We had some tough moments when I had three kids wanting me to help and all talking at once and I nearly lost it - but having discussed what they normally do at school I think they're learning (very slowly) to wait their turn. I'm working on my patience even more than before :)

Monday afternoon Mase got home about 5pm and we went printer/scanner shopping. We also had been told we'd have no phone/internet connection until next week - so Mase picked up some mobile broadband gear and now we have email (well I can receive emails but can't send anything) and internet...I never thought I'd be so excited about having some IT stuff but I was.

Thanks to everyone who has posted comments on the children's blogs - they have been very excited to read people's messages.

Tuesday (today) - homeschooling day went pretty well...we played some soccer and walked to the local library and joined up...it was sooo nice to have some books in the house - so we've had a real readathon this afternoon.

Anyway, that's it for now...take care all of you - love the Lindens

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